The State of Aeon 11_4_2018
Hello everyone and welcome to this weeks episode of The State of Aeon. The Aeon Community has seen some activity the past two weeks including the increase of user base on our Discord, involvement on GitHub, a small uptick on BitcoinTalk, and also many new (and past) users coming to Aeon Reddit. How about we jump into the details.
Another Exchange Service Lists Aeon has listed Aeon on their service. The minimum required amount to exchange is an equivalent of 75 USD (0.01185225 BTC) — which currently nets you roughly 125 AEON at the time of this writing. This service currently only allows you to BUY Aeon with BTC, LTC, ETH, and USDT. Feel free to check them out and try their service, another use-case for Aeon.
Growing the Aeon Community
A healthy discussion was started for what direction of growth for the Aeon Community and how we can achieve this. Every little bit counts and there are a bunch of good ideas of what everyone and anyone can do. Remember, anyone can contribute to Aeon. Here are a few small examples of what you can do to help out the community if you can’t contribute to the codebase:
- Make YouTube videos about Aeon or how to do things Aeon related.
- Make posts about or repost/retweet Aeon on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Tumblr, or any other social media outlet.
- Support small pools mining.
- Join or Invite users to our Reddit, Bitcointalk, or Discord servers.
- Contact people from the Monero community and inform them of Aeon.
- Create posts in multiple languages so that everyone can feel included in the Aeon Community.
- Create Pull Requests on GitHub for translating the Aeon.Cash official website to another language.
Converting the Aeon GitHub from Personal to Organizational account
A discussion was started about converting the official Aeon GitHub repo from personal account to organizational account. Doing this would allow the current account holder to assign roles to other trusted members of the community such as merging pull requests for website changes. This would allow the core developers to focus on the core development of Aeon. Feel free to involve yourself in the conversation on GitHub.
Aeon rebranding Package
I came across Norderly and found that not only do they support Cryptocurrency logos but they also take Crypto as payment for their services. Discussions have been made about whether Aeon needs a logo rebrand. Should we as a community reach out to them for their service? What should our logo rebrand include? Let us discuss this on GitHub where there are already some other thoughts on this. Maybe they would include Aeon as a payment source for their work and future work on other projects!?!
New Tutorials for Aeon
- Aeon mining youtube video: A brief tutorial for how-to mine with CPU featuring AEON! Thanks for the good video /u/CursedMining.
- Create an offline paper wallet and restore it with Aeon GUI.
- A repo for Aeon-Wallet-CLI and AeonD commands along with general Aeon-GUI visual how-to’s.
- Aeon Mining with AMD GPU. Thanks, Kire keep up the good work!
- Not new, but interesting on Android mining Monero. Unfortunately, they are using MinerGate as the app so you would probably see a 40–60% increase in hash rate using a 3rd party mining application if it were available.
- Older Videos for Aeon Usage from 2017: Aeon wallet creation and AeonD usage. Thanks, Sid maybe you could create a newer video for the updated software?
Other news
- The FreeBSD Linux package has been built successfully and was submitted for approval at FreeBSD. Thanks AnonFromTheSea!
- is back up and running with .1% fee until the end of November. Check them out and help decentralize Aeon!
- Someone inquired about the Avengers team on Reddit. Remember, anyone can contribute to the Aeon codebase, even the Avengers!
- The only known Aeon web wallet Aeon-Pocket has shut down. If you ever used this service, you can restore the seed from your wallet on Aeon-GUI. Feel free to check out the tutorial on how to do this on the above restoring wallet from seed/keys above. If you want to support a NEW web wallet, check out and feel free to donate to the proposed Aeon web wallet in funding status. CarbonCG has lead this initiative for a new web wallet.
- Aeon forking to POW v8 discussion on GitHub.
Well, that pretty much sums it up for the past two weeks. We have seen an influx of new participants in the Aeon Community. Services have slowly started to adopt Aeon with their products. Healthy discussions are being made, and the community is coming back together! Just remember to keep the network decentralized. The last thing we need is a centralized network.