Aeon Translations Project 2019

AEON Community
5 min readMar 15, 2019


Languages of the core applications have already been ported to Aeon from Monero.

Hello everyone stopping by. We wanted to announce the startup of the Aeon Translations Project for 2019. This project was started to increase theadoption of Aeon to those people who do not speak English as their native language.

Aeon has a vast library of information and how-tos for it. Currently, we do not have any translations set up beside the GUI and CLI functions within the functioning software in which we have been graciously provided by the Monero community. In addition to these features, community members have spoken out that we need translations in order to help the adoption of the project. Not everyone speaks English as a main or second language and having these translations would help increase that adoption and use case of Aeon.

We are looking for qualified native speakers of any non-English language in which English is their second language. We have earmarked 5000 worth of AEON from the Development fund to pay these bounties throughout 2019. For these bounties we are looking for translations of the following current items first and foremost:

· Aeon CLI Github repository and forms

· Aeon GUI Github repository

· main website

· Aeon How-To’s for operating Aeon software interfaces

· Aeon How-To’s for building Aeon on all platforms

In addition to these core attributes, we are looking for community members to set up FREE Medium or another blog platforms to translate Medium State of Aeon posts to native languages. We believe that this will allow readers in additional languages to keep up-to-date with the latest happenings in their own languages as well as keep a log for future purposes. This will increase community engagement within Aeon and possibly help attract additional talent to the Aeon community.

We are currently seeking translations of these following languages, but we will accept translations to additional languages if you can provide instances of community involvement with those language platforms. We want everyone to be able to use and understand Aeon.

· French

· German

· Russian

· Chinese

· Indonesian

· Spanish

· Polish, Serbian, Croatian

· Malaysian

· Arabic

· Additional languages outside these are recommended. Please contact us if you are interested in translating outside these core languages.

Responsibilities of community members performing translations:

· Members must provide at minimum one translation of core repository material such as Aeon CLI and GUI and files, or main website for compensation.

· Members can provide additional translations as desired and will be compensated for these translations on a per-submittal basis.

· Completed translations will be reviewed by our project manager or translations coordinator (if one is elected for the task). Translators must also submit final work to our community repository on GitHub in a repository set up for this process. Anyone can create their own repositories on the community GitHub. Members can also create their own Medium or other platform to post their own content and that will be linked through our Aeon Community GitHub repository or possibly the main Aeonix repository dependent on material if decided. In order to be compensated, users must submit translated work for core material to the Aeon Community GitHub repository. If community members have questions on how to complete this process of submittal, many members are able to help on our community Discord or IRC channels.

· Completed translations of core-material must be kept up to date if updates are made to these documents. Example: CLI readme is updated to add additional lines for new compiling instructions or new additions, the user must update their translations to reflect these new changes or additions. This is so new users or current users can be kept up to date with this information.

· Members doing translation may be called upon for additional translations in the future and must be able to complete these translations within a timely manner and would be compensated for them.

Links for required translation material:

CLI readme:

CLI Contributing document:

GUI readme:

Aeon.Cash repository: please note changes will have to be made to html files within the repository of a forked repository to community github repository )

Links for recommended translation material:

Medium Blog Posts: ask what blog posts need to be translated)

Repository for translated materials:

Aeon Community Github:


We have earmarked 5000 Aeon from the dev fund to help move this project forward. Members of the community will be compensated on a per-summitted basis of translations. If community members desire to submit multiple translations, they will be compensated in a bulk payment method. Compensation will occur after translated material has been reviewed and submitted to the Aeon Community GitHub repository in their translation specific repositories. Compensation will be as follows PER language:

Core Aeon translations of CLI & GUI and files: 100 AeonAeon.Cash full webpage translation (all associated html files): 100 AeonMedium Blog Post How-To’s: 20 Aeon per translation

If you are interested in doing translations, please visit the Aeon Community GitHub repo and review the file. You will need to create a free GitHub account to contribute to the project, but it takes less than 5 minutes to set up a new account. Likewise, if you would like to create a free Medium account, you can also post translations to this as well. We will not compensate for translated re-posts to Medium only, but you are more than welcome to do re-posts of any Medium blog posts in your translated languages as long as you refer to the original link in your post. Thank you to all community members past and present that have contributed to the translation efforts for Aeon and Monero projects!

Aeon Community Links


Aeon Community Webpage:

Email Subscription:

Block Explorer

Block Explorer

Block Explorer

Block Explorer

Global Node Map



Twitter Aeon Community:


Aeon Wiki:


Funding System:

WooCommerce plugin

Aeon Community GitHub repo:



Delta Direct:

Lunar Crush:

Matrix Chat:

Coin360: (Currently offline as of 6_20_2020) :

Aeon Branding Pack

COLOR 1: #5fbcd3ff

COLOR 2: #2c89a0ff

COLOR 3: #164450ff

COLOR 4: #444444ff

COLOR 5: #ffffffff

TYPESET: Ebrima (Bold)



AEON Community

This Medium is dedicated to the AEON Community and posts are related to AEON, its community, and the development of the AEON codebase.